River Rafting in Albania.





If you are the Outdoor type and like a little of adventure and excitement maybe river rafting might just be the right thing to do.The Canyon off Osum in Albania offers just that There are several river rafting organized guides that offer you the challenge of seeing one of the most magnificent Nature exploring filled with adrenaline rush and team work at the same time.

The Canyon of Osumi River is one of the most beautiful places in Albania, these canyon is featured with several waterfalls that usually the guides stop by and let you wonder around before departing to go on with the rest of the rafting trip.

Check this out and you will not be disappointed at all.

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Gjipe Beach Albania


Gjipe Beach in Albania is a Canyon that is not reachable by normal cars unless you have a real off road monster, or if you have or rent a boat, never the less is only a 15 minute walk from the main Road where you can actually park your car or Camper.

This is actually a not to miss place if ever in the region.